Sunday, March 28, 2010

Serpent in the Grass

Haven't had many moments to get on lately... in fact, I only have a few right now. Worship at Epic went terrific today (at least I thought it did). It was nice to have Corban on as he always adds another atmosphere to the music. I could even hear their congregation singing today so that was nice.
I have four day until I leave for Florida. I set up iChat last night so that I can stay in touch with my family while I'm gone and hopefully Gavin will get a kick out of seeing daddy on the computer talking to him. Love my babies. Mmmmk... Beck just left a bit ago with the boys to go to my mom's to color eggs. I committed to helping Corban with a recital so I am missing out on that as well as the State game today. If they win they go to the Final Four but I am thinking an "L" might be in their future as Lucas has to watch from the sidelines. We'll see though... they've pulled off the last two without him. Okie doke.. til next time.

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