Monday, March 22, 2010


For whatever reason as of my last post I thought I was leaving for FLA this weekend... not so. This week of work and next... what a blow. I guess it allows me to get things in check before taking off. I always try not to over-commit but it seems this is an impossibility. Between work and fatherhood I have to manage the middle school ball team Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday this week, the Epic worship team Thursday and Sunday, the SWARM team Thursday, Corban's practice and recital Saturday and Sunday afternoon, and trying to film and edit about three more "testimonies" for the Easter video. I'm sure I am forgetting a few things but all this on top of trying to be a good husband and dad is wearing. Thankfully this is the last week for anything "worship through music" for a while and it's also the last week of the middle school boy's team. There are things I am not focused on at work that I need to commit to and I just don't know how to go about it. There's also some crappy situations with a couple of my residents I have no clue how to handle. Sucks... This whole church thing took an odd turn tonight as well I can't explain. Blah....

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